What is patronage ?

Patronage is a financial, in-kind, or skill-based donation made by a company or an individual to an activity of public interest. Patronage brings together businesses and individuals around meaningful projects, directly impacting the territory and enabling its development by supporting projects in various areas of public interest.

Patronage companies benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of their donation (up to 0.5% of their pre-tax revenue). The law requires a significant imbalance between the donation and the benefits received in return. It is accepted that this imbalance is respected if the benefits do not exceed 25% of the amount of the donation.


Why become a patron of the MAMC+?

  • Commit
    To an approach that creates value for your company while contributing to the common good.
  • Enhance
    The attractiveness of the region by enabling a major regional museum institution to offer an increasingly ambitious program.
  • Strengthen
    Your roots in the Loire region by becoming an active contributor to cultural development.
  • Support
    The Museum in its missions to preserve artistic heritage, democratize art, support young creators, and foster innovation.
  • Develop
    The creativity and uniqueness of your company by offering your clients and team opportunities to enrich themselves with new experiences.
  • Transform
    Your perspective on our contemporary society while joining a community of businesses eager to broaden their horizons and understand the world of tomorrow.

Art and culture are powerful drivers for reflecting on the contemporary world through a sensitive approach to reality, as well as for fostering inclusion and societal development. By committing to a sponsorship initiative and supporting the projects of MAMC+, you create value for yourself, your employees, clients, family, and friends, while contributing to the vitality of the Loire region.

Become a patron starting from 20,000 euros

The patrons of MAMC+ directly support the projects and activities of the institution through their financial or in-kind donations. This enables the museum's development by facilitating the realization of its various missions, including the production of exhibitions, the restoration of works from the collection, the publication of reference books, the conservation of the 22,000 works in the collection for future generations, and the democratization and accessibility of art for all audiences.

By becoming a patron of the Museum, you will enjoy tailored benefits and privileged access to MAMC+ activities.

Télécharger la plaquette de présentation "Devenez mécène !" (format pdf ; poids : 520 Ko)

Our patrons

Join the Patrons' Club starting from 2,000 euros


In 2009, The Partners Club created a prize dedicated to contemporary drawing, convinced of the singular role of drawing in the contemporary artistic production. The jury, composed of experts, journalists and sponsors, grants and support the work of young graphic artists living in France. 

The prize offers to the award winner very special benefits:

  • A solo exhibition at the MAMC+
  • A catalogue presenting his work
  • The acquisition of a work(s) for the Museum’s graphic art collection


Winners of the Partner Award since 2010
