Dive into the heart of Stéphanie Nava’s world, the winner of the fourth Prix des Partenaires. The artist explores the invisible connections that unite us, through drawing, sculpture, photography, and installation.
‘Early in the morning, Anne settles into the couch in the lounge. Later, in the afternoon, Jean has a nap, dozing off there.’ What links these two moments? Stéphanie Nava’s work is narrative. Through drawing, the artist superposes these two moments to show their connections. The main element is the mechanism of story, the singularity of its structure, and how it is borne or vested by bodies. Her artworks are the result of investigations, deconstructions, and comparisons.
The drawing plays an important role in the artist’s practice. La luxuriance sauvage de leurs ramifications (la jungle) [The Raw Luxuriance of Their Ramifications (The Jungle)] is an installation articulated around a large plant sketch and pieces of sculpture/furniture. This work plays on the notion of decor and decoration, giving the jungle the veneer of wallpaper. It serves as a marker from which the other pieces find their role within the space.
Stéphanie Nava is invited within the framework of the fourth edition of the Prix des Partenaires [Partners’ Prize]. The Museum awards this Prize annually to an emerging artist, thanks to the support of their patrons.

Marie Griffay
Head of the exhibition and publishing department

Stéphanie Nava, Phantasma speculari
Texts by Marie Griffay and Marie-Cécile Burnichon. Published in a bilingual edition in French and English. Éditions Silvana Editoriale. ISBN 9788836627462. 64 pages. Price: 12 euros.
‘I’m interested in systems, like a child taking apart an alarm clock to see its inner workings.’Stéphanie Nava